Grenoble to Saint Cergue

After a errand-filled rest day in Grenoble, the climb out of the urban basin was rigorous and busy. There were a lot of people hiking this section, and there were quite a few people taking part in other outdoor activities. I saw trail runners, spelunkers, rock climbers, and paragliders in the entrance to the Chartreuse … Continue reading Grenoble to Saint Cergue

Dieulefit to Grenoble

After resting in Dieulefit, I had a 6-day stretch to Grenoble that was front-loaded, with some long days to start. The first of which was about 38km with a massive climb over the mountains. In the rolling hills before the climb, I came across the Church of Comps: This church is mentioned in historical texts … Continue reading Dieulefit to Grenoble