MRF is a 501(c)(3) charity that raises money to award grants to researchers from around the world who are working to discover the causes, improve the treatments, and find a cure for migraine.

MRF was established in 2006 to help the 38 million Americans suffering from migraine, an enormous public health problem that burdens society, business, families, and, most importantly, individual sufferers.

Despite its vast prevalence and major impact, migraine is still largely undiagnosed, widely under-treated, and research is severely underfunded. Our grants support cutting-edge projects that enable scientists to explore original research approaches and seed new ideas. We select projects to fund through a highly competitive, peer-reviewed process.

100% of every donation to MRF goes directly to fund research as all of our operating expenses are underwritten.



My migraine story is one of escalation. What started as mild, typical headache symptoms when I was younger escalated into intense episodes during my university studies in the late 90s. Severe headaches spiraled into many nights of dizziness, loss of motor skills, and vomiting. This is when I was first diagnosed with migraines. The treatment medications back then caused side effects for me that were almost as bad as the migraines themselves, and I eventually gave up and stopped treating them altogether for a number of years.

The intensity and frequency of my migraines has ebbed and flowed over the years, growing during periods of high stress. Recently, during a cycle of high stress related to work, my migraines again escalated. This time I experienced periods of temporary blindness in one eye, which has been a bit frightening. I am always in monitor and control mode, in an attempt to avoid miserable days. The treatments today are better, thanks to research. My hope is that there will one day be reliable prevention or a cure, rather than having to be in a constant state of symptom and pain management.



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